California-Nevada Section AWWAPlease join the CA/NV AWWA Meter Committee for our annual Winter Workshop. Four experts will be presenting on AMI network technology, smart networks, and machine-learning software supporting water loss control and meter change-out scheduling. These vendor-agnostic presentations will be followed by an open forum, and roundtable discussions with experienced utilities, consultants, and vendors to answer all your questions.

January 27, 2021 / 8 a.m. – 1 p.m.

[Registrationis required*

The workshop is free for all; contact hours are included for individual, operator, and administrative section members. There is a $25 processing fee for non-section members.

If you’d like to learn more about AMI networks, new feature developments, and advice AMI-deployed utilities give, this is the workshop for you. Don’t deploy an AMI system without doing your research.

For a fun contest, we will be giving $25 Amazon gift cards to the attendees having the best virtual background on Zoom. If you don’t already have a Zoom account, sign-up (it’s free), then check out the instructions for setting up a custom background. Extra points will be given for backgrounds with water loss control themes.

Contact for information on the committee’s January AMI workshop and the summer workshop on AMI Best Practices planned for August.

* Registration requires a login to the site. If you don’t already have a login into the CA/NV AWWA site, please set one up before registering – it’s free!